Commuters Take Action is a collective of Chicago transit riders fighting for a reliable, safe, accountable, and accessible CTA. In 2022, our co-founders noticed that the CTA wasn’t running as many trains as they said they were and assembled a dream team of transit advocates to do something about it. By collecting rider testimonials and publishing reliability data every day, testifying at CTA board meetings, hosting protests, and more, we’ve become a mouthpiece for our fellow frustrated commuters. CTA leadership, politicians, and the media have taken notice, but our work is just getting started. While other US transit agencies have surpassed pre-2020 scheduled service levels, CTA has cut rail service by 22% and bus service by 5% since 2020. Instead of solving the problem, the CTA leadership and the board blames worker shortages and gets defensive when criticized. Join our movement for the CTA Chicagoans deserve. 

🚌 Commuters Take Action is looking into the future of transit in Chicago. Support Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) by taking our survey 🚌

Our Demands

Our Core Values